Latin American Association for High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
The Latin American Association for High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (LAA-HECAP) was created in November 2021. It aims to leverage and amplify the successful and growing dynamics of research in HECAP in Latin America, as demonstrated by the fruitful and long-term organization of the Latin American Symposium on High Energy Physics (Simposio Latino Americano de Física de Altas Energias – SILAFAE) series and the recent initiative of strategic planning through the Latin American Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures for HECAP (LASF4RI-HECAP), with the participation of several countries in the region. LAA-HECAP is hosted by the ICTP-South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR).
Announcements and Opportunities
The US-ATLAS Physics Education Outreach Program is funding two 3-months visits to BNL or another US-ATLAS institute for graduate students pursuing his/her degree (MSc or PhD) in a Latin American Institution to work on an ATLAS Experiment related project. The interested candidate should send a one-page statement of how this visit can be useful for his/her current research project, a CV and also arrange for 2 letters of recommendations to be sent to:
Special consideration will be given to students participating in emerging High Energy Physics experimental groups in Latin America. The visit will need to start before September 10th, 2024 and the deadline for application is July 20, 2024. For questions regarding possible projects please contact Denis Damazio and/or Joseph Haley at: and
We are happy to announce a partnership between CLAF and LAA-HECAP to establish a Mobility Program for High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics within institutions in Latin America with the purpose of creating new or strengthening existing collaborations in these fields. The total amount of funding for the whole one-year program is USD 10,000 and it will support scientific visits starting in August 1st 2024. We therefore ask for researchers interested in these visits to please submit the following documents until June 1st to
. cover letter stating the institution of origin, the institution of the visit, the main purposes of the visit and what is requested (estimated budget);
. letter of invitation with the dates of the visit;
. short research project.
The visits must be finished before July 31st 2025. Visits of 1 to 2 weeks are preferred. Young investigators are encouraged to apply. A report of activities will be required two weeks after the end of the visit.
We are glad to announce the scientific visits made possible by an ICTP Network grant for the first semester of 2024. There were ten excellent proposals but we could fund only three. The Executive Board selected the visits:
1. Miguel Sofo Haro (UNC-CONICET) to visit Irina Nasteva (UFRJ)
Project: Installation of the CONNIE experiment upgrade with Multi Skipper-CCD Modules
2. Fernando Lucca (La Plata) to visit Eduardo F. Simas Filho (Federal University of Bahia)
Project: Integration of Ringer algorithm into the Global Event Processor firmware project - Global Trigger of the TDAQ Phase-II upgrade of the ATLAS detector
3. Alberto Martín-Ruiz (ICN-UNAM, Mexico) to visit Mauro Cambiaso Harb (Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile)
Project: Exact solutions to axion electrodynamics
The XV Latin American Symposium on High-Energy Physics (SILAFAE) will be held again in Mexico, after the 1996 opening (Mérida) and the 2006 edition (Puerto Vallarta). This time the venue will be in the Cinvestav premises, in the North area of Mexico City. Event's indico is We cordially invite you to participate (abstraction submission is open, as well as the participation fee payment; you will receive your invitation letter shortly after your registration) and spread the word, particularly to students and postdocs. Registration deadline: 18 October 2024.